Thursday, April 16, 2009

Swedish Match Officials being Held by

Two high ranking employees of tobacco giant Swedish Match AB are in hiding at, officials there confirmed.

The two will be answering member and visitor questions on Swedish Snus and related issues.

Amnesty International is charging that the Two Swedish Match Officials are being mentally tortured with the threat of being force-fed Camel SNUS if they don't cooperate. officials deny this, saying that would be a crime against humanity. Swedish Match AB, headquartered in Stockholm Sweden, is refusing comment on the incident. The Swedish Ambassador to the United Nations has requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.

President Obama has been briefed on the crisis and may return to Washington earlier than scheduled.

Of the incident, the President was overheard saying "You're telling me Swedish Snus is 92% to 98% safer than cigarettes and completely discreet? Comes in pouches with no spitting? Regulated as a food product by the Swedish Government? Why didn't I about know this!"

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Mrs. Unloadingzone

Mrs. Unloadingzone
"The Girl of my Dreams"