Snob appeal is overcoming the South's "chew" and "dip" reputation and is becoming a hit with New York City residents. New Yorker's, who also pay the highest cigarette taxes in the nation at $2.75 a pack, are also strangled with Mayor Bloomberg's draconian ban on smoking practically anywhere in the City.
But walk into any fashionable Soho Bar or Club and you'll see snus tins on the bar. And with no "second-hand-snus", no spitting, nothing unpleasant for non-smokers, to quote Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"
Indeed, why can't we all just get along? Swedish or Swedish-Style Snus is the least harmful of all tobacco products. It has virtually no carcinogens, Swedish men have the lowest rates of oral cancer in all of Europe based on studies going back 30 years.
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Yea, $2.75 tax on a pack of friggin cigarettes, State income tax, City income tax, and the sales tax?
Bloomberg wants people to exercise more. He'll probably put a tax on sitting.
are there any swedish match products that are comparable to camel snus. i picked up some general original portion, and while i enjoy it, it's kind of on the salty side. perhaps it will grow on me. also, what's with the top of the snus can? the part that snaps off, and empty? love the blog, keep it up!
If Swedish Snus were a Cuban Montecristo cigar, Camel SNUS would be in the Blunt and White Owl Class.
General Portion is a little salty. You didn't mention what flavor Camel you are used to: since you didn't mention Frost, I'm assuming you're looking for a tobacco taste more than a mint or sweet flavor.
Ettan, Grovsnus, General Onyx, skruf, Granit, Nick & Johnny really have to experiment a little. You won't find those over the counter yet. Even Camel is only in 17 States, Marlboro and Triumph only in 2.
There's a banner on my site to It includes a 10% discount but it only works once...if you want to browse, go to When you're ready to buy, click on the banner.
The cap that snaps off? That's where you can store your used snus! I had to email Sweden originally on that question: I couldn't figure it out either!
Thanks for the comment on the blog. It started out as a general subject one but snus is taking it over. I'm working on the uber-solution to that right now.
In the meantime, on the top right column under Hot Topics, the first link will take you to my master snus page..all my posts just on snus and some other snus-related links.
I like your blog too: especially the color scheme :-).
Thanks for visiting, come back often, and if you want to give me some more specifics or ask about some of the snus's on, leave another comment or email me.
Mr. Unloadingzone
i picked up some wintergreen white portion, love it. i live near a great tobacco store (8 to 8 tobacco, one of the few stores in illinois that sell swedish match products), if more people knew about snus i think more [swedish match] brands would start popping up. ironically, i think camel snus is helping that cause.
Ironically, that's one of the few General flavors you can't buy over the internet. They keep that one to themselves.
I'll check my tobacco store that sells General to see if they picked it up. You also may like Jakobssons Ice Fruit.
Glad you found a taste you like! Happy snusing!
Mr. Unloadingzone
I just wanted to stop by and say I love this blog. I came across Swedish snus during a trip to Sweden this past March. I began purchasing tins from buysnus to try out all different kinds, and now sort of do what you do, buy rolls at a time of my favorite flavors. I would like to recommend Skruf snus products to you. I am a particularly a fan of the stark and the tranbar (cranberry). I also recently read your review of the yellow gotlandssnus, and if you haven't tried it already, you should try the green version, easily one of my top 3 snuses. I also really like the Catch eucalyptus white portion. Those flavors along with Rape, Rape No. 2 and General Onyx make up the bulk of my rotation.
Anyway, just wanted to stop by and let you know how valuable your blog has been to me and my snus use, certainly keep up the good work, and keep on snusing!
Hi Silk!
Thanks so much for the kind words and for visiting!
skruf stark is one of my favorites and the tranbar is the best tasting cranberry I've come across.
The stark is in my rotation and the tranbar I use occasionally as cranberry is a taste I like (done right) but not too often.
My current stark is Onyx. I was going to rotate to the skruf next order but I keep hearing good things about the Nick (&J) West. I thought it was just a repackaged version of the original Nick and Johnny Stark which was good, but not as good as the skruf stark.
But supposedly they made a change to the taste as well, which unlike the East..the best description I ever heard of the East was "tastes like the inside of my grandmother's purse."
I tried a, can't call it a can; plastic coffin of the East to verify and did not like it at all. It's one of those love it or hate it one says "it's just OK".
But the Buzz on the West is that it tastes really good.
So my dilemma is, do I risk a roll of the West or buy a roll of the skruf stark and a plastic coffin or two of the West?
The Gottlandssnus Green's taste description kind of scares me...I don't know if it's my thing. But if you're saying it's a similar taste category to the Catch Eucalyptus (which I never tried for the same reason), THAT I can pick a can of up 5 minutes away at my local Up In Smoke tobacco store.
I'll try the Catch, and if I like it, go for a roll of the Green. Gottlandssnus is one of my favorites. They make Jakobssons brand too and the Ice Fruit is now in my rotation. You should give that a shot.
Both Goteborgs I like. I'm taking a break from the Rape' and may pick up the Rape' #2 next order...or since you brought it up, the transbar.
I've been taste-testing "American-Style" snuses the last week (except for the Onyx and the 1847) and need to clear my taste-buds....Triumph, Triumph Mint, and, for an article I'm posting tonight, Camel SNUS Frost!
I'll pick up a can of the Catch tomorrow and give it a shot. We seem to have similar tastes according to your rotation, so if I like it, I'll add the Gottlandssnus Green to my next order.
Thanks again for visiting and the kind words.
And Happy Snusing to you!
Thanks for the response! It seems that we do have similar taste in snus. I've been wanting to try the Nick and Johnny West, so maybe I'll wait for a review from you before buying some.
I wouldn't say the Catch Eucalyptus and Gotlandssnus Green are in the same taste category. To start one is a white portion (catch) and the other is regular (gotlands green). The Catch Eucalyptus to me seems more mainstream/americanish kind of taste. Don't get me wrong, I love the stuff though. The Gotlandssus Green is more of an earthy/mossy kind of flavor. It says Flader on the side, which someone who knows Swedish tells me means Elder, which is some sort of plant/berry (though it doesn't taste like berries). It's a very unique taste and has definitely taken over as my favorite snus. In fact I just ordered a few rolls of it.
I've had both Jakobbson's Ice Fruit and Regular. I definitely enjoyed the Ice Fruit more, it's a good snus, as you say.
I was checking out Gotlandssnus's website and they have this stuff called Julesnus, a Christmas snus only available in December. has informed me that they will carry this starting December 1...December can't get here fast enough! I am very impressed with their product so this should be good.
Hi Silk!
If you like the Ice Fruit AND the Gotlandssnus Green is taking over as a new favorite, I will definitely buy a roll.
The Catch I never got to the mall to get. I've been "taste testing" Triumph regular and mint plus Camel SNUS Frost so I'm kind of sweetened out right now. I'll wait a little so I can give it a fair shot.
This so-called "American taste preference" seems to be for candy sweet, not fruit or natural sweet. At least that what the people putting it out say.
An Anonymous "ex-industry guy" just left some info in a comment about Klondike. It's under the August review post. He said they're going for the sweeter flavors too; but if you can believe their press releases, they seem real committed to low TSNA's....
The Julesnus I'm going to try just have to: it only comes out once a year!
The Gotlandssnus Original I never tried as they describe the taste as having a noticeable anise taste. I'm not a big fan of anise. But I am a BIG fan of Gotlandssnus and Jakobssons. So the Green it will be! Until December 1st!)
Happy Snusing!
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