Monday, November 12, 2007

HOT TIP: Unlimited Phone Service for UNDER $100/YR!

There is a lot of mis-information and a lot of scams out there concerning VoIP phone service: this is basically using the the Internet instead of a phone line for your calls. MyTekWorks offers a unique solution that's cheap, works, and is legitimate. I recommend it because I've known the owner of the company for over 10 years and as well as being an entrepreneurial geek, he's one of the most ethical people I know. This is the Real Deal.

This actually didn't start out as a business idea: he was just looking for a way to cut his phone costs. The website reflects this as it's a down and dirty "Follow these steps" instructional site with a section that has a detailed explanation of how his concept works. Again, it's legal, the hardware has been researched by him to provide the best value, and it's a really great idea. I'll be doing it myself.

Phone Opion #1 Phone Option #2 Phone Option #3 Not a Phone Option

You can have easy, convenient unlimited phone service to the US and Canada for less than $100 per year.....using your regular phone in addition to one of the above.
Visit MyTekWorks for all the details. And when you're a satisfied user, tell your friends! Add to Digg DiggIt! Reddit Reddit Stumbleupon Stumble This Google Bookmarks Add to Google Bookmarks Yahoo My Web Add to Yahoo MyWeb Technorati Add to Technorati Faves Slashdot Slashdot it


Mr. UnloadingZone said...

Sounds like a good idea! Whose the handsome guy pictured with the phones?

Anonymous said...

Yea, he's dreamy!

Mrs. Unloadingzone

Mrs. Unloadingzone
"The Girl of my Dreams"