Wednesday, June 11, 2014

SnusCENTRAL Islay Whisky Snus News Seminar!

Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States Larry Waters takes a comprehensive look at Islay Whisky Snus and its creator, Conny Andersson.

He also unveils new Islay Whisky Snus versions coming out this year, other new snuses Mr. Andersson is designing, and yes, he even addresses the issue of fire-cured tobacco and TSNA's.

This insider's look into the world of snus is a must-view for any serious Swedish snus user around the world.  The HOME of Everything Snus Related Add to Digg DiggIt! Reddit Reddit Stumbleupon Stumble This Google Bookmarks Add to Google Bookmarks Yahoo My Web Add to Yahoo MyWeb Technorati Add to Technorati Faves Slashdot Slashdot it

Friday, May 23, 2014

EXCLUSIVE - General Original Portion and Loose Snus Waterproof Edition

UPDATED May 2014:  The famous Snus Store has snagged a General Snus Exclusive:  The Complete 5 snus General Waterproof Edition!

General Waterproof Can Snus

The original General Snus recipe has defined premium Swedish snus for hundreds of years. We offer it to you fresh every day but for a limited time, you can keep your General Original Portion or Loose snus safe from the rain and snow too!

Whether you ski in Sweden, Switzerland, Colorado, or anywhere else, you can now tumble down the slopes or into a tree just like Store Manager Moe Unz with confidence: your General Original Snus will remain dry and intact.

The black (and quite professionally looking) aluminum can's screw-on lock with rubber ring seals tightly and is easy to handle, even with wet hands. 

The General Waterproof Aluminum Can is refillable for years of snus safety.

This now permanent special offering was to originally designed to honor the Thanksgiving rollout of the new version of the snus information and social website in 2013.

Snus Legend and Store Manager beat Marcus Carlsson from Swedish Match with his broom until he agreed to allowing the General Waterproof Snus Edition remain exclusively at the Snus Shop.

The General Waterproof Can Edition currently consists of 5 different snuses; 3 portion snus and 2 loose snus:

Enjoy the New and Improved snus information and social website AND your General Waterproof Snus Editions only at the Snus Shop.

Enjoy your fresh General Snus!

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Win a $70,000 Underground Snus Survival Bunker

In today's uncertain time, you can win your own $70,000 underground off-grid survival shelter.

Perfect to protect your family and stash of Swedish Snus from nuclear, biological, and civil unrest threats. The Bunker complex located at an undisclosed location in Texas USA is of course much larger. None the less, we entered this sweepstakes from Rising S Bunkers.

It's top quality and you can never have too much hardened underground snus storage. Enter before 15 December 2014 and good luck. If you're the lucky winner....don't tell anyone; especially the location. Good luck!

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Mrs. Unloadingzone

Mrs. Unloadingzone
"The Girl of my Dreams"